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Tips to Reduce Your Sugar Intake

You might have heard that you should avoid consuming too much sugar because it could rot your teeth. But this childhood warning carries some truth. Sugar can contribute to enamel erosion, the deterioration of your dental structure.

This happens because sugar turns acidic when it reaches your saliva. The resulting acid will eat away at your teeth, weakening them and making them more prone to cavities. In order to protect your smile, you should limit the amount of sugar in your diet.

However, cutting back on sugar may prove easier said than done. But if you strategize with care, you can successfully keep your smile healthy and avoid added sugar. Read on to find advice from your dentist that can help you consume less sugar and protect your oral health.

Tips to Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Pay Attention to Your Eating Habits

Cutting sugar from your diet begins with knowing the amount of sugar you already consume on a regular basis. To keep track of the levels of sugar in your diet, you may want to try making a log of the foods you eat along with their sugar content. This can illuminate easy areas to remove sugar.

For example, some people tend to use table sugar to add sweetness to a cup of coffee or other foods and beverages. Stop doing this to eliminate a source of excess sugar consumption.

You can also realize with a food log that many items in your diet have a large amount of sugar. Then you can consider cutting out soft drinks, candy, and similar items to reduce your sugar intake.

Rework Your Recipes

You can control the amount of sugar in your food when you prepare your own meals. Home-cooked foods can allow you to lower the sugar that you routinely consume. In many cases, you can use one-third or half of the recommended amount of sugar in a recipe without affecting the taste of your food.

You may also use this opportunity to experiment with alternative flavors while cooking or baking. Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg can enhance the taste of your dish without hurting your teeth in the way that sugar can. Reworking your recipes can play a major role in improving your oral health.

Check the Sugar Content of Your Groceries

You may not necessarily prepare all of the food you eat yourself. When buying groceries, check the ingredients on the label to view the amount of sugar in these items before purchasing. You can avoid snacks and other foods or beverages that contain excess sugar and prioritize good dental health.

Instead, look for sugar-free or low-sugar foods that can satisfy a craving for sweetness without hurting your teeth. Berries, apples, and other fruits will make for great sweet snacks that will not harm your smile.

You can also consider foods that are known to be good for your teeth, such as cheese sticks and other calcium-rich snacks. Learn more about the link between your diet and your oral health by consulting with your dentist today.

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